Lucma to Collon

After a couple of days of resting, we decided to find ourselves a walk, not a hike, a walk, and headed out on the collectivo for Lucma. After seeing so much stunning flora on the Laguna 69 and Lake Churup hikes, I’d hope to photograph a bit more with my DSLR, having only taken my phone for the previous walks due to the weight of the camera.

As it was, the walk was just through a rural area, not in the national park, so I didn’t quite end up with what I was looking for, so just snapped some of the flowers I spotted along the way.

We were still treated to the great views that you find around Huaraz, as well as seeing examples of the local subsistence farming and also the local quarry, which is basically a strip-mine at the top of one of the mountain peaks.

How we did it

This was a fairly simple trip which was intentionally the case as we didn’t want to do any complicated or expensive journeys for our last walk. We took a Route 10 collectivo from outside our bed and breakfast in Palmira to the bridge just before Paltay. This cost PEN 2 each way.

As per the first walk we did to Wilcacocha, we used the app to help navigate our walk. That app is really a god send!

One thought on “Lucma to Collon”

  1. Pingback: Huaraz | benh1981

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